HomeE-commerce5 B2B e-commerce Marketing Strategies to Drive Conversions

5 B2B e-commerce Marketing Strategies to Drive Conversions

What comes to mind right away when you think of e-commerce marketing? It is probably a B2C online brand. However, it turns out that there are B2B e-commerce marketing tactics. 

It is not easy to differentiate yourself in a field dominated by B2B juggernauts. That is where a carefully designed and effectively carried out marketing strategy comes into play.

However, before we delve into the seemingly endless sea of methods and suggestions for turning website visitors into paying customers, it is crucial to have your foundational B2B digital marketing plan for e-commerce done correctly. By first getting them in order, you may quickly expand your basic e-commerce marketing operations to encompass more sophisticated tools and techniques.

At this point, 75% of B2B goods purchases are performed online. In addition, customers want to make even more online purchases so they won’t stop there! The following B2B digital marketing techniques will help you enhance conversions, assure recurring business, and bring this traffic to your online store.

What Is B2B e-commerce marketing?

The ways companies market their online stores to other businesses are known as B2B e-commerce marketing strategies. B2B e-commerce is conducted online between two businesses, as opposed to B2C e-commerce, which involves online shops selling their goods and services to consumers. B2B e-commerce marketers may have wholesalers, retailers, or organizations as their target market. 

5 Strategies for B2B E-Commerce Marketing to Boost Conversions:

Make your target market more specific.

Without a clearly defined target audience, it is impossible to determine the buying process and the pain areas to address. Finding sales-qualified leads will be simpler with the help of your B2B marketing strategies if you develop an ideal customer profile using data and research.

Segmenting your audience enables you to offer a more individualized customer experience and optimize your marketing plan to increase revenue and attract new users. You can easily sort through leads by developing unique user personas for each category.

Utilize an omnichannel strategy.

According to a Harvard Business Review survey, 73% of consumers prefer to shop through various sales channels. B2B buyers who communicate with their suppliers through many channels also exhibit this propensity. All those channels are combined in an omnichannel strategy for B2B e-commerce marketing, enabling you to reach a wider audience and engage current and new customers. 

You can ensure a flawless experience in real-time whether your customer is buying online from a smartphone, tablet, or laptop, especially during times like Black Friday. You must integrate every aspect of omnichannel marketing, from product information to customer and sales data.

Use SSL Certificate

Regarding B2B e-commerce marketing, using SSL certificate should not be overlooked. SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is a security protocol that encrypts the data transmitted between a website and its visitors, ensuring that sensitive information like credit card details, login credentials, and personal details are secure from illegal access.

If you are wondering that, which SSL is suitable? The answer is single domain, multi domain or wildcard SSL certificate. However, a single low cost or cheap wildcard SSL, multi domain SSL would be suffice to secure the site. You can provide your customers a sense of security and trust, leading to higher conversions and sales. SSL certificates assure your customers that their data is safe, and they can confidently purchase your website without fearing their information being stolen.

In addition to providing a secure environment for your customers, SSL certificates can boost your website’s search engine ranking. Google and other search engines have clarified that they prefer websites that use SSL certificates, as they prioritize user security and privacy.

Increase website traffic with SEO.

Increasing your customer base is a wonderful place to start when increasing conversions. Making it simpler for potential B2B clients to find your online store through search engines is what this means. Search engine optimization, which consists of on-page SEO and technical SEO, was created for this reason.

With the technical method, algorithms are used by search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo to rank your e-commerce website either higher or lower than your rivals’ websites. Technical optimizations like backlinks, an XML sitemap, and an SSL certificate can help you rank better.

On the other hand, on-page SEO focuses on improving the material already there. Here, you conduct keyword research on phrases that members of your target market might use to find services and establishments. Meta titles, descriptions, and product photos with optimized captions are all part of on-page SEO.

Inbound marketing and content

Content marketing in B2B e-commerce begins with creating excellent product summaries and descriptions. This enables your potential customers to make wise purchasing decisions and helps your website rank for some related keywords in search engines like Google. According to estimates, up to 90% of consumers and B2B purchasers value detailed material highly.

A true B2B e-commerce platform must be able to coordinate content/product information management and SEO efforts, and this should be the first step in improving your content marketing analytics.

For your B2B e-commerce marketing plan, additional crucial inbound marketing activities include:

Blog: A blog is a fantastic approach to improving your website’s Google rankings and raising brand awareness among your target market. According to many studies, blogging produces one of the best returns on investment (ROI) compared to other marketing strategies. It also helps you create leads, increase website visibility, conduct efficient email marketing campaigns, and more.

PPC – Paid ads are a flexible tool you can use alongside your content creation operations to increase the success of your inbound marketing initiatives. It should be a terrific addition to your B2B marketing mix since it is frequently used by all other companies that offer products or services online.

Content Upgrade: An effective yet easy-to-implement strategy for improving SEO is refurbishing your blog posts and landing pages. Doing so can potentially secure a higher ranking on the first page of search engine results for your targeted keyword without putting in significant effort.


B2B e-commerce marketing involves more than just increasing website traffic. It also involves involving your potential clients and giving them a seamless, trustworthy experience. By keeping these five methods in mind, you may efficiently optimize your e-commerce website to promote conversions and generate leads.

But it’s important to ensure your website is safe and secure before starting your marketing initiatives. The SSL certificate is used in this situation. The movement of sensitive data between your server and your clients’ browsers is secured with an SSL certificate, which offers encryption and authentication to your website.


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