HomeEducationWhat Makes Good Technical Writing?

What Makes Good Technical Writing?

If you are someone who does writing tasks on a regular basis, you know that a high-quality piece for an online blog or a journal can make a big difference. If the burden of writing is too heavy, though, you can always delegate your task to another professional. But how can you choose among the myriad of writing services? Is Paperial a scam, and is speedypaper.com reliable? Once you find an answer to these questions in a reliable essay writing service review, it is time to move on and explore the secrets of technical writing.

Let’s start with the definition of technical writing. Technical writing is usually done in a professional or occupational setting for the purposes of business, promotion, or the explanation of processes that will help a business function. The most common examples of technical writing are press releases, reports, business promotions, instruction manuals, software guides, and product descriptions. Contrary to what others may think, technical writing does not have to be overly complicated.

In fact, the purpose of technical writing is to deliver an explanation in layman’s terms so that even someone not directly involved in the business will understand your guidelines. Here is what makes well-written and well-researched content in technical writing:

Clarity of Thought

You should always think about your readers when writing a technical piece. Not all of us can be experts in certain areas of knowledge, and it is your job as a technical writer to make sure your audience understands what you are trying to say without looking up every word in an online dictionary. Similarly, a professional searching for instructions only has one goal: find information and absorb it at lightning speed. Experts don’t have time or resources to skim through long-winded texts, so clarity is important.

Write concisely and leave no room for double meanings, vague definitions, or sentences that can be interpreted in a hundred different ways. While this may be acceptable in creative writing, where it is perfectly normal to read between the lines, such inconsistencies can be detrimental to the quality of a technical piece. Before you start saying that clarity in writing is relatively easy, consider this example:

Example 1: Electrical outlets can make our everyday life better, but what role do plugs and sockets actually play in our daily routine? This is a complex question that invites many possible answers, depending on your point of view as a house owner. 

Example 2: Electrical outlets connect your electrical equipment to the grid. The grid provides alternating current to the outlet. There are two types of electrical outlets: domestic and professional. 

The first sentence is a perfect example of generalized writing. It lacks definition, detail, and clarity. The second sentence introduces you to the concept in simple, concise words. This is what makes good technical writing – delivering relevant information and avoiding generic constructs. 

Attention to Detail 

Technical writing should cover every aspect of the topic you are exploring. It also means adding supplementary materials like diagrams, visuals, codes, schemes, and charts to your text. This isn’t a personal essay where you can gloss over a few details and turn out just fine because you know it does not affect the overall meaning of your narrative. Technical writing does not excuse inconsistency and lack of structure.

Let’s say you’ve been tasked with providing a detailed instruction manual for using an electric hair dryer. To accomplish the assignment, you have to follow the guidelines provided by the contractor and include the hair dryer’s characteristics, safety warnings, package contents, and a guide on how to use the device. Example:

  1. Plug the unit into the power outlet.
  2. Adjust the desired blowing strength.
  3. Use the high setting for drying.
  4. Use the low setting for styling.
  5. Set the switch to the OFF position.
  6. Unplug the unit from the power outlet.

Here, you provide clear step-by-step instructions on how to use the device, only including relevant information.

Factual Correctness

Brilliant technical writing should be based on facts and trustworthy information. You should remember that the majority of your readers turn to your technical essays to find out more about the issue that has been bothering them for a long time or learn how to solve their problem in the fastest way imaginable. This is especially true for medicinal instructions and recipes, where your audience depends on your ability to relay information comprehensively. The readers will certainly avoid your guidelines if they are not rooted in factual accuracy and do not reflect the current situation.

What if you confuse the dosage or point out the wrong frequency of administration? You should conduct thorough research on a technical topic by reading other people’s manuals and guidelines as you read essay writing service reviews when seeking the service for your academic needs. Read in scamfighter review to understand why it is important to provide a detailed analysis of the subject based on facts and avoid low-quality services.


In addition to enlightening the readers by providing them with the type of information that they seek, a technical document should always end with a statement that helps them solve their problem. If they don’t find a well-written solution to their issue in the final paragraph of the text, they will start looking for another guide with more precise instructions. It goes without saying that not every instruction is written from a troubleshooting or problem-solving standpoint – you might be tasked with simply describing the product or specifying its characteristics. However, knowing how to assist your readers makes up the core of technical writing.


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