HomeMarketingA New Era in Product Photography: The Orbitvu Difference

A New Era in Product Photography: The Orbitvu Difference

Product photography is constantly evolving. Brands need high-quality images to sell online and stand out. However, traditional methods like DSLR cameras and studios take time and effort.

Now, there’s a better way with Orbitvu. Their automated jewelry product photography and shoe product photography solutions use AI to create perfect packshots and 360 spins fast. No more complex lighting or editing is needed.

Orbitvu makes pro-level product images easy. Their innovative systems let e-commerce brands speed up shoots and manage volume. This is the new era of effortless product photography. Orbitvu’s automation empowers brands to sell more online.

Tips That Make Your Pictures Professional

Here are some tips you need to know:

  • Use Proper Lighting

Using proper lighting is essential for taking professional-level photographs. Position lights at optimal angles to accentuate the contours and textures of subjects. Use diffusers and reflectors to soften harsh shadows or fill overly dark areas. Understand how to set up lighting for desired effects—from dramatic to subtle. Choose bulbs or strobes with color temperatures that render natural, true-to-life tones. Proper lighting setups showcase subjects clearly and appealingly without overly bright or dark spots. The appropriate lighting adds dimension and depth to create stunning photos.

  • Focus on Composition

When composing shots, carefully consider how elements are arranged within the frame. Follow compositional guidelines like the rule of thirds to create interest. Strategically position subjects off-center, balanced by framing objects in the foreground and background. Lead the viewer’s eye naturally across the image. Explore different vantage points and angles for unique perspectives. Mindful composition results in well-balanced, dynamic scenes that captivate.

  • Pay Attention to Background

Pay attention to the background. Choose backdrops that complement or enhance the main subject. Plain, subtle backgrounds avoid chaotic distractions. Shallow depths of the field strategically blur backgrounds to isolate sharp foregrounds. Mind colors, textures, and lighting too. Keep backgrounds simple, uncluttered, and neutral to avoid drawing attention away. An appropriate background makes subjects stand out or sets just the right mood.

  • Adjust Camera Settings

Master control of camera settings to suit every situation. Lower ISOs minimize unwanted noise and grain. Higher shutter speeds freeze action. Adjust apertures for desired depths of field—vast for overall sharpness or shallow to blur backgrounds. Continuously check exposure and fine-tune settings. Set suitable white balance presets for consistency across shoots with fixed lighting temperatures. The right camera settings yield properly exposed, crisp, and vivid images.

  • Master Depth of Field

Learn to control focus and depth of field intentionally. Shallow depths isolate subjects against blurred backgrounds. Deep depths keep entire scenes sharp edge-to-edge. Adjust aperture size, subject distance from the camera, and focal length to manipulate depth effects. Use focus stacking for tack sharp focus throughout. Creatively leveraging depth of field separates subjects from backgrounds or delivers desired overall sharpness.

  • Mind the White Balance

Set the ideal white balance to prevent color casts and render natural, true-to-life tones. Auto white balance often works well, but establish custom white balance presets for controlled, consistent lighting setups. Eliminating color casts prevents unnatural blue, yellow, or greenish tints. Properly balanced white conveys subjects just as they appear in reality.

  • Shoot in RAW

Capture images in RAW file formats instead of JPEGs whenever possible. RAW retains complete image data for maximum editing flexibility later on. When processing RAW photos, significantly adjust exposure, white balance, and noise reduction. JPEG compression leads to permanent data loss and limits adjustments. RAW allows endless creative options when editing for final output.

  • Use a Tripod

Using a sturdy tripod minimizes camera shake for tack-sharp photos. Tripods allow slower shutter speeds in low-light scenarios without blur. Remote camera triggers further prevent vibration and motion blur. Tripods enable sharpness, clarity, and stability when conditions demand it.

  • Post-Processing Skills

Develop expertise in image post-processing software to take photos to the next level. Enhance tone and color with curve adjustments. Reduce noise and grain. Sharpen using advanced algorithms. Seamlessly retouch blemishes. Straighten or crop into compliment frames. Basic editing techniques significantly refine photos.

  • Consistency and Practice

Strive for consistent techniques and style over time. Continuously practice and analyze results while experimenting to improve. Remain patient—developing professional-level photographic competency requires ongoing dedication. But rigorous practice coupled with constructive self-critiques ultimately yields exceptional, polished results.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, Orbitvu represents a new era in streamlined product photography. Their automated solutions powered by AI technology revolutionize how brands create product images. You no longer need complex DSLR setups, editing skills, or hours in studios to get high-quality product photos.

With Orbitvu systems, perfect packshots, 360 spins, and more can be produced instantly. The automation allows brands to speed up shoots and manage growing volumes of product images needed for e-commerce. By embracing Orbitvu’s smart photography systems, brands can elevate their product imagery and sell more online.

Orbitvu makes flawless product photography effortless. This innovation empowers businesses to thrive in the digital marketplace.


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